Stockport Supermarket Accident Claims

No Win, No Fee Shop Injury Compensation

If you have been injured in a shop, store, or supermarket, and would like to discuss a compensation claim then please call us today. Our no win no fee* personal injury solicitors help those in Stockport receive the justice that they deserve. We can represent both customers and employees with supermarket accident claims. Call now on 01615 169 702^ for a free phone consultation.

Supermarket Accident Claims in Stockport

Supermarket Accident Claims Stockport
Call now for a free consultation about a claim.

Going to the shops or into a supermarket, or even working in one, should not involve danger. But unfortunately, accidents can and do happen. If a person was hurt in a supermarket and it was not their fault, then there’s every chance that a claim for personal injury compensation could be made.

Our solicitors can represent people in Stockport  who want to make a supermarket accident claim, or seek shop injury compensation. Our solicitors are proud of their successful claim records, and will work to find out who is at fault so you can get the damages that you deserve for your pain and suffering.

Common Causes Of Shop Accidents

Most personal injury compensation cases that we have dealt with for people hurt whilst shopping or working in a store will involve common types of incidents. Scenarios for personal injury and accident compensation that can occur whilst our shopping include but are not limited to accident claims such as:

  • Slips, trips, and falls
  • Slipping over on water, or other liquids
  • Falling objects or heavy objects
  • Hazards leading to tripping over

Injuries From Working In A Shop

It’s not just customers of shops and supermarkets that we can help. We are also able to represent workers and employees. In fact, it is often those working in supermarkets who are most at risk of injury because of the tasks that employers ask them to do.

As well as helping the public claim for slips, trips and falls in supermaket accidents, we also help staff seek work injury compensation. This can be for anything from falls from work at height, to repetitive strain injury – both very common for store workers.

How Much Compensation for Supermarket Accident Claims?

We work on a variety of shop injury claims in Stockport, and are only able to give estimates on compensation amounts once we have spoken to you, the claimant. Once we have full details on your personal injury we will be able to tell you how much compensation you could be due.

If you have been involved in an accident in a place such as the following, and we can prove negligence from a third party (such as the shop owner, company, business, or another customer) then you could be able to claim for compensation amounts which will vary drastically.

  • Supermarkets
  • Superstores
  • Shops
  • Stores
  • Shopping centres
  • Garden centres

Injury Types Leading to Compensation Payouts

The types of injuries most common in supermarket accident claims are:

How to Get Started On Your Supermarket Accident Claims

In order to start with a claim, you will have to provide proof that you were injured. This will mean going to a doctor’s and getting a form of documentation from them once diagnosed. In addition to that, supermarket injury claims stand a higher chance of success if there are witnesses available and willing to make a statement.

In your free consultation, we will be able to tell you everything that you need. Don’t worry if you don’t have any medical records or witness details yet. We can help you collect all the required documents to make a successful personal injury claim.

Call Us Today

If you live or work in Stockport and would like to discuss a compensation claim then please call our hotline today on 01615 169 702^ to get started. We will be able to tell you within a couple of minutes whether or not you are able to proceed with a supermarket accident claim.

Start Your Personal Injury Claim Today

Contact Our Accident Claim Managers Now